Email made easy & beautiful
Mailbird is good for

What is Mailbird?

Save time managing multiple accounts with the best email client for Windows

Sync all your emails

Manage all your emails and contacts from multiple accounts easily in one unified Inbox.

Customize your layout

Choose from tons of free color themes. Transform your Mailbird email client into a work of art.

App integrations

Built-in apps like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Dropbox, Google Calendar, Asana, Todoist and many more…

Mailbird provides a clean, simple, and lightning-fast email experience for Windows 7, 8.1, and 10.

With Mailbird you’re able to:

Increase your productivity.
Integrate your most valuable apps, including LinkedIn, Asana, Trello, GSuite, WhatsApp and many more.

Remain “in the know”.
See who is reading your emails, and how they are engaging with them with its email tracking function.

Worry less.
Change your mind after you click send? Don’t panic. You can cancel sending an email in Mailbird.

Simplify your workflow.
Use its keyboard shortcuts, filters, quick action bars, and more to cut through the noise of your inbox.
In addition, you’ll love its attachment search feature, it allows you to easily access your attachments in your unified inbox.

Feel understood.
By employing a Customer Happiness Team, they’re able to prioritize understanding the needs of its customers, helping them achieve results. Fast.

Please note: Mailbird for Mac is on its way!

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