The only AI writing assistant built bottom-up for teams
All the language that defines your brand
What you see
Your just-right words
Create a single source of truth for brand terms that is easy to build, edit, and share.
Examples and usage
Make brand compliance drop-dead simple with detailed descriptions, guidance, and examples.
Terms taxonomy
Use tags, filters, statuses, and edit history to organize your terms into a true taxonomy.
What they see
In-context coaching
Teach team members your terms with easy-to-follow guidance in the apps they use every day.
Write once, use on repeat
What you see
Team Snippets
From single sentences to page-long templates, make it easy for your team to reuse your approved content.
Formatting & variables
Preserve formatting, lists, and links and include variable placeholders for dynamic content.
Organize your snippets into a library with tags, filters, and statuses so they’re easily findable.
What they see
Snippet shortcuts
Users can call up a Snippet anywhere they write with a simple shortcut. Forget the shortcut? Users can search in-line for the content they need.