Its unique, all-in-one dashboard guides your publishing by giving you insight into trending topics among your followers by location. Know your followers’ interests and sentiments now so you get involved in discussions that matter. For maximum engagement, its Best Times to Tweet chart, specific to your account, along with the Tweet Scheduler with RSS feed support will streamline and enhance the impact of your publishing.
A comprehensive Twitter Engagement dashboard provides crucial performance metrics on your Tweet activity and how well your audience interacts with you.
It’s Twitter follower analysis will help you go beneath the surface: understand, build and manage your community like never before. Map Twitter followers to a city level, and interact knowing demographics: languages, gender, and professions. Segment your Twitter followers through a range of filters and keywords; export the data to excel, or categorize them in a list. Identify influential followers, measure your campaign’s effectiveness and engagement by tracking Twitter follower growth and map your momentum and follower history.
Research any topic in the Twittersphere through a search of hashtags and keywords, current (last 30 days) or historical back to 2006.
Tweepsmap will display the hashtags and keywords on an interactive hashtag map where you may drill down for further insight. See the events as they unfold and travel through the universe. They’ll also measure the tweet reach of any individual tweet, group of tweets, and re-tweets.
Lastly, you can also set a tweet alert on any topic, and get email notifications. You will be on top of your brand, competition, or any interest in practically real-time.