Omnisend is an eCommerce-tailored email & SMS marketing automation platform built to help nimble teams drive more revenue without increasing their workload. One-click eCommerce stack integrations, pre-built workflows, and intuitive drag & drop editing make it easy to get up & running without diving into the gritty details unless you want to.
Way more than email campaigns
Expand on your newsletters and boost sales with automated emails, segmentation, and the added potential of SMS.
eCommerce Marketing Automation – Drive sales on autopilot
Win (back) more sales with pre-built automation for cart abandonment, welcome series, transactional emails, and more.
Robust Segmentation – Improve your targeting
Segment your customers based on their shopping behavior and more properties to improve conversions with well-targeted, personalized emails and texts.
Email + SMS Marketing – Be relevant, stay consistent
Add SMS and more channels right next to your emails using the same platform and provide a consistent, omnichannel customer experience.
Built so you don’t even question – does it integrate?
Omnisend integrates with hundreds of eCommerce tools and you can add it to your store with a single click.