Founded by Gal Shir, Color Hunt is an open collection of color palettes. This tool serves thousands of color schemes for many different design and art purposes. The color palettes are being used by web developers, artists, illustrators, graphic designers, fashion designers, interior designers, marketers, and more. Many people use Color Hunt to find color inspirations and find the perfect palette for their projects. With Color Hunt, anyone can save their favorite palettes, manage their personal collection, and have quick access to copy the color codes.
What is good with Color Hunt is that the color collection is open. Color Hunt has a “create” feature where everyone can create and submit their own color combination. Each palette is public property and not owned by a specific creator. It also has a “like” feature where you can like your favorite color palette and you can easily view your likes on the “likes” page.
With Color Hunt, you can find the latest or newest uploaded color palette, trendy colors, popular colors, and also random colors. It also has a search feature where you can easily search for your favorite colors.