Chartbeat, the content intelligence platform for publishers, empowers media companies to build loyal audiences with real-time and historical editorial analytics across desktop, social, and mobile platforms. Chartbeat helps digital publishing organizations understand what, within their content, is keeping people engaged. Partnering with over 60,000 media brands across 60+ countries, Chartbeat’s real-time and historical dashboards, in-depth headline testing and in-page optimization tools, robust reporting, and more help the world’s leading media organizations understand, measure, and build business value from the attention earned by their written and video content.
Clever and powerful software that grows your audience through insight and action.
Meet Chartbeat
Improve audience engagement, inform editorial decisions, and increase loyalty. Chartbeat delivers real-time analytics, insights, and transformative tools for content teams around the world.
Chartbeat for Publishing
Made to monitor. Made to optimize. Made to measure.
Unique real-time content data piped straight to your systems.